The FPTR has three research groups: Biblical Studies, Historical and Reformation Theology and Religious Studies.
Each discipline approaches the subject from its own perspective.
The Bachelor's programme covers the theoretical fruits of this research.
The Master's programme gives students the opportunity to further their skills in a specific field.
The research groups at FPTR meet twice in plenary sessions.
There is also close cooperation with other universities.
This research group focuses on the ongoing deepening of the linguistic and exegetical understanding of the biblical texts and encompasses the fields of study formerly belonging to the Old and New Testaments. The Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament, literary linguistics and narrative and translation techniques, intertextuality and the complex cultural connection with the surrounding world in antiquity are central here. Master's students learn to independently set up a research project in this field. An understanding of the cultural-historical and theological significance of Bible research, as well as for the practice of faith in contemporary society, is developed.
This research group focuses on the relevance and impact of Jewish and Christian culture and theology in the contemporary social fabric. The theological consequences of the postcolonial era and intercultural issues are a particular focus. Broad attention is also paid to the mutual exchange and influence of Judaism and Christianity. In addition, a unifying theme of the research is the innovations in church and religious education necessary for the transition of society. Themes for the next few years are: being church in a network, church presence in a post-secular society and interfaith education.
Chairman of the research group is Prof L-J. Parlevliet
This research group focuses mainly on the dialogue of biblical tradition and theology with the human and cultural sciences. The main anthropological and cultural-historical developments are closely followed. Students learn to deal with scientific data and frame them in an independent view. In particular, evolutionary thinking within biology and human sciences (psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy) is given extensive attention. In addition, the social context, with increasing radicalism in the religious sphere, offers a great challenge for Christian theology and culture in the 21st century. Deepening knowledge of the sources and developments within Islam are of great importance in this.
Chairman of the research group is Prof. J. Temmerman